to Relaxed Homeschooling and Unschooling in Colorado — made simple! RMEC is the original and only statewide unschooling site in Colorado. Find out more About Me.
Homeschooling: it has so many names. Homeschooling (of course), home schooling, home education, traditional, classical, unschooling, relaxed homeschooling, radical unschooling, carschooling, world schooling, delight-led learning, child-led learning and a hundred others. Confused? No worries. I’ll explain all of those terms.

The Colorado Homeschool Law in a Nutshell
Does Colorado legal requirements leave you with more questions than answers? This is the first thing to read. It’s the most in-depth and comprehensive FAQ you’ll ever find. Even better, it’s written in plain English.
The Rookie Workshop for New Homeschoolers
(coming soon) My comprehensive, down-to-earth how-to guide for new homeschooling parents.
School Is Out Forever for Unschoolers
School’s never out for 14-year-old Zoe Bentley. Nor is it ever in.
Behavior Labeling
If a child is reinforced for behaving appropriately we call it bribery.
If an adult talks and laughs we call it socializing.
If a child talks and laughs we call it misbehaving.
If an adult writes in a book we call it making notes.
If a child writes in a book we call it destroying property.
If an adult sticks to something we call it perseverance.
If a child sticks to something we call it stubborness.
If an adult is not paying attention we call it preoccupation.
If a child is not paying attention we call it attention deficit.
If an adult hits a child we call it discipline.
If a child hits a child we call it fighting.
Realize that I only link to sites, articles and products that I personally know or have checked out. I don’t link to junk, link farms, marketers or mega-companies who only see us as dollar signs. If you have a negative experience, please let me know. Thanks.